Wednesday, August 23, 2017


D E S T I N Y • B Y • D E S I G N
In the end, you'll know everything was meaningful. None of it was random. Even now, you are living destiny by divine design. Things may seem unclear right now, or as though you're awash in confusion and lost at sea... BUT IN REALITY, you are in the right place at the right time, and a Master Plan is unfolding. Hallelujah.
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The good stuff is relevant.
The boring stuff is relevant.
Even the hard stuff is relevant.
Things that seem trivial are important.
Because in end end, you'll know---everything in your history actually prepared you for destiny. .
Oh yes, at the end of it all, you'll see that none of it was random. Everything had a purpose.
While not everyone and everything was the Lord's will, but He sure did find a way to use it for your good... somehow, Jesus found a way... .
They were never random.
You were never random.
Your destiny was by design and SO ARE YOU, precious and beloved child of God.🙏🏽
📖 ROMANS 8:28 📖
JoLynne Whittaker Ministries


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