Sunday, August 27, 2017



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🔥R H E M A 🔥
It is NOT the Lord's plan or desire for you to live in struggle. You are not here to simply survive but to THRIVE.
Poverty is a satanic strategy to keep individuals, families and whole bloodlines in a state of instability and insecurity. When one is unstable, it's hard to focus on purpose and serving God. YES, Jesus must be our anchor, but the struggle is real when the refrigerator is empty and the landlord is evicting you. Some people can't truly comprehend this kind of talk because they've never struggled (TruthBomb 💣) while others have already stopped reading because they assume this is a "prosperity gospel" post. That's unfortunate, because I've simply been appointed to cultivate and release I N C R E A S E over the body of Christ the Holy Spirit has gathered under the canopy of this ministry, according to
📖 PSALM 115:14 and PHILIPPIANS 4:19 📖
🔥P R O P H E T I C • R E L E A S E ~ You are coming into a season of RAPID DIVINE INCREASE. God desires to take you from glory to glory for your blessing and HIS GLORY. Catch that---you looking good makes the Lord look good! 🔥BE PREPARED for supernatural business and household strategies to come upon you -- for God says they will be released at this time! 🔥Glory to God! Bless His holy name!
I decree and declare an open heaven! No limits! No boundaries! Only increase! In all areas of our lives! Lay hold of this and truly RECEIVE IT in Jesus' name! I rebuke the spirit of doubt and for this time I also rebuke all feelings of "I hope so" because in this hour you must say, "I KNOW SO!!"
I speak divine INCREASE over you!
SUPERNATURAL expansion of your territory!
In Jesus' name!🔥✝️🔥
JoLynne Whittaker Ministries


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