Saturday, August 19, 2017

Angels On Assignment


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When the prophet Daniel prayed, an angel was sent to respond to him. The prophet's prayers reached the Throne of God and Yahweh purposed to answer Daniel via His angelic messenger Gabriel, BUT THE ANGEL WAS INTERCEPTED AND WITHHELD FOR THREE WEEKS BY A PRINCIPALITY. 📖Daniel 10:11-13
PLEASE LISTEN carefully, child of God: there is a very real possibility that your answer or blessing IS ON THE WAY BUT CURRENTLY HELD UP.
HOLD UP, now---doesn't GOD'S WILL always come to pass?? In heaven, YES. In the Kingdom to come, YES. But in this current environment of satanic interference PLUS the wildcard that is human free will, we need to PRAY HIS WILL BE DONE EARTH, in Jesus' name!! Just as we pray for the coming and manifestation of His Kingdom according to 📖 Matthew 6:9.
THE GOOD NEWS IS, BREAKTHROUGH PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL!! The fervent, effectual prayers of the righteous availeth much!! 📖 James 5:16b --- AND, we have the blessing of a supernatural resource: ANGELS!!! 📖 Hebrews 1:14 explains how they are ministering spirits sent to help us, the sons of salvation! They will also encamp around you, protect you, open doors and help to heal you, in Jesus name! See Psalm 91:11 📖
Right now I decree and declare in the mighty and utterly matchless name of Jesus, God is about to release angels on assignment!! He's getting ready to assign them to RETRIEVE EVERYTHING that's been held up or held back from you!
I decree and declare the release of FAMILY RESTORATION, JOB OPPORTUNITIES, CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, AND BREAKTHROUGH IN YOUR HEALTH!! I decree and declare the retrieval of finances that have been held up, checks and bonuses that were snared, even connections and alignments that you need!!
The Lord is going to cause a SUDDEN INFLUX to hit your life with angelic assistance! God is going to cause very significant connections and assistance --- He's going to arrange for you to be in the right rooms with the right people!
What was held up will now be LOOSED!
What was interfered with will now FLOW!
What was tampered with will now COME FORTH!
Believe and receive your SUDDEN RELEASE in Jesus' name!! 🔥🔥🔥
JoLynne Whittaker Ministries


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