Tuesday, August 15, 2017

P R O P H E T I C • W O R D


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I hear the voice of the Lord saying God is about to send you the strategy. It may not be entirely comfortable for you, however the Lord will never ask you to do something you cannot do. It may not be comfortable, but hear me well child of God: OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE....
Your radical obedience during this crucial season can unlock doors that will take you straight into the next season. I hear God posing one very crucial question to you now: DO YOU TRUST ME??
Abraham had to trust God. Isaac was his only legitimate son; certainly the man of God did not want to sacrifice the boy, but what else was he to do if you wanted to continue walking in the favor of God and inherit the fullness of the Lords promises for his life and generations to come??
🔥GOD IS GOING TO ASK YOU TO MAKE A SACRIFICE. That sacrifice may be turning something you cherish over to the Lord to steward, develop, or possibly even consume. God knows what you need, what you don't need, and what is best. It's time. You must now trust God to see you through. I will never forget the time when my own son was very sick, and I heard the voice of the Lord asking if I trusted him. At that time, I was required to take my hands off the wheel and allow others to help heal my child. My own thoughts and emotions could not be in the mix; it was time for others to play their part. Sometimes we must relinquish in order to receive. OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE.
GET READY. God is going to give you the opportunity to display the depth of your trust and the true landscape of your character.
Why is God doing this?? SIMPLE: Because He desires to break you out of your current level and elevate you to the next. But as we all know, elevation is not for everybody. Therefore, I leave you once again with 📖 1 SAMUEL 15:22 ~ OBEDIENCE IS BETTER THAN SACRIFICE.
Stay alert. The next 2 weeks maybe trying, but at the end of it all, some of us will cross the finish line that result in immediate elevation.


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