Monday, March 20, 2017

I am Releasing New Things Quickly!


Image result for  Releasing New Things
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, I am releasing new things quickly! This is the season that many have prophesied about for years. I am releasing the promises that I spoke to you about in secret concerning your divine purpose. For I am causing a great work to arise from within you. This is a season of accelerated expansion and building. Even those who tried to disqualify you and spoke ill of you will have to eat their words at what I accomplish through you and for you.
I am releasing new people who are assigned to minister alongside you and to you. That work which seemed slow will come to fruition. I will cause your ministry efforts to multiply and no one will stop what God does. I have seen your faithfulness and now I will reward you openly. They will carry burdens you have been carrying. They will make the journey easier. The struggle that you went through was to show you that you truly are anointed and called by me. I am delivering you from the betrayal and the abuse! Stop allowing fear to cripple you and leave. Let them go! I am Your Source and I will provide as you leave the abusive relationships. The devil even tried to convince you it was My will for you to stay. It isn't!
They rejected you and persecuted you because they rejected and persecuted Me too. Love those who persecute you and try to harm you for their efforts are harmless. Pray for your enemies. I have covered you in the cleft of the rock. My hand is shielding every attack from the enemy. Everything the devil tries to plot against you will not succeed. My Kingdom is being released for you, through you, and around you.
An Empowering Season
It is a season where I am empowering you to do that which I have called you. I am fully funding you in this hour to move forward. Expect checks and deposits. The anointing will visit mailboxes this season. Unexpected checks are on the way. I am providing the funding in this season to buy the houses and the cars. I am providing the funds to come out of debt. I am releasing a host of Heaven assigned to bring you what you need. The transaction will be complete shortly. The bank of Heaven doesn't write checks that bounce!
I am causing an unusual release of miracle working power to come upon your hands. You will feel the tingling upon your hands. It is a sign that the power of God is present. I have truly given you the power to create wealth. I have given you power over sickness, diseases, fear and every demon in hell. I am with you and I am greater than anything or anyone that you may face.
Even within the next 24 hours, your life will be marked by miracles that astound you! You will see My power. You will be undone in My presence and glorify Me I will go before you and continue to reveal to you the secrets of your heart says the Lord. I will watch over My Word and I am quick to perform it!
Rene Picota


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