Friday, June 30, 2017

Angels Have Been Assigned To You


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F O U R T H • W A T C H • D E C R E E 🔥
The Lord your God has assigned angels to you. They are with you RIGHT NOW. Those angels are helping you, protecting you, even fighting for you. According to 📖 Psalm 91:11 which says ~ For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways....
🔥I prophesy your angels are going to minister to you, open doors for you, deflect attacks and go before you to help loose what's been held up, in Jesus' name!🔥🔥🔥
✝️ANGELS ON ASSIGNMENT, GO! Go forth and line up opportunities! GO! Go forth and whisper to those who can help us! GO! Hold back the demons coming against us! GO! Bring in the financial provision that was held up! WE THANK YOU AND WORSHIP OUR LORD JESUS ALONGSIDE YOU!🔥✝️
📖 Hebrews 11:1 ~ Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
🔥FOR OUR GOD IS JEHOVAH SABAOTH, Lord of the angel armies!! Send forth Your armies Oh Lord, to do battle and combat attacks on our behalf! Take ALL the glory for those Imminent victories!🔥

🙏🏽 THANK YOU, LORD. We love you, Father. We thank you for Your powerful angels. We worship You and give You praise! IN JESUS' NAME... AMEN.🙏🏽🔥✝️


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