Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Season of the Open Door


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I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that this is the season of the open door! I am opening new doors for you that were once shut. The pain, lack, frustration, and limitations you have experienced will be left behind as you step through the door that is open. The door will be grand. It is time to embrace this new season with celebration and anticipation of what is to come!
You will not have to knock on doors in this season. You won't have to make it happen. You won't have to try to do it in your power. It is not something you can force. It is your appointed time. It is what you have been preparing for your entire life. What I am about to do for you will result in the expansion of My Kingdom for My glory and My name's sake! It is your destiny! It is your future becoming your present state. Now I will make you whole and restore to you everything that was taken from you.
I am causing a fresh faith to arise deep within you.
I am releasing fresh fire from Heaven upon you. I am anointing you with My fire anointing. My passion will arise and overtake you in the power of My love.
Every burden that you have been under is being removed. I am rolling away all your burdens the same way I rolled away the stone from the grave where Christ was! Just as Christ has risen so you shall rise!
I Will Restore the Time You Lost.
Even when you invested into others and they didn't follow through on their end... I will make it right and it will be as though they did. I will cause you to prosper in the presence of your enemies. My hand is upon you and all will see and glorify Me.
The anointing that is coming upon you will make you an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God. I am going before you and making every crooked way straight. Angels are being released to escort you to the door I am opening before you. This is your moment for your miracle!
I will restore your finances. I will cause you to come out of debt. I will teach you how to manage wealth so that you can walk in new realms of abundance and blessings. I am opening new doors of employment! I am transitioning you into a new place.
I am relocating you to your place of divine purpose. You will fulfill your assignment and all that I long to accomplish through you.
The miracle seed you need is what will cause a miracle harvest as you sow it in the soil of My glory. Cultivate that which I give you. Do not eat your seed. Instead, sow it into the fertile ground of My presence.
Sow Where My Power is Moving.
I will turn bad investments into glorious investments. Suddenly things will turn out in your favor. I see the hand of the Lord moving on real estate properties. I am releasing houses, buildings, lands, and inheritances. That which was held up will open for you says the Lord.
This is your season! Receive the open door that God has placed before you. Activate your faith and step through it! A new season is upon you says the Lord!
Rene Picota


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