Friday, March 17, 2017

Forward Movement


This word will deliver you from complacency, if you let it. I speak an AWAKENING over you, in Jesus' name! I declare MOVEMENT over you, in Jesus' name! GET UP!-----it's time to MOVE. God says you're meant to be headed to your Promised Land, in this season. -PJLW❤️🙏🏽
Never allow a temporary situation to become too comfortable. Do not settle into the transitory space. Do not allow transition, for that matter, to become your accepted lifestyle. The desert was never supposed to become your HOME.

Image result for keep moving forward

🔥Holy Ghost says: God will draw you out (send you into a desert) in order to draw you in (pull you unto Himself and thus into your promise). The Lord will allow a dry season in order to teach you, discipline you, mold you, or humble you --- but that place is your PROCESS, not your PROMISE.
Humility and discipline must be lifelong pursuits, true. Closeness to Jesus must become our lifestyle by default; true, true. BUT RESIDING IN THE DESERT-PLACE OF YOUR TRAINING, OR IN THE TRANSITORY IN BETWEEN SPACE IS NOT GOD'S BEST FOR YOU.
You won't arrive at destiny or purpose, in the desert. You won't rise to your full potential, in the desert. You'll learn there, grow there, even camp out temporarily there---but don't you dare let it become your HOME.
Don't get comfortable eating manna and quail.
You're destined for milk and honey.
Don't adjust too fully to the desert.
You're destined for Paradise.
And don't become one with the wilderness... you're headed somewhere. That "somewhere" is your Promised Land --- LIFT YOUR HANDS AND DECLARE THAT, RIGHT NOW! In Jesus name.... AMEN.
📖 Hebrews 6:12 ~ We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit w  


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