Monday, January 21, 2019

Have Patient and Continuance In Well Doing


The Father says today, let patience bring you through the process. Love, faith, and patience are the trifecta of the believer's maturity and that which I am working in your life to bring you into your blessing place. I have heard your cry, and I am bringing you out of sorrow and chaos into a position of stability and assurance. Your life from this day forward will be marked by forward momentum, for I am not a God of stagnation, I am a loving Father who causes your feet to be swift on the path that leads to deliverance. Understand that I work through process to bring you to outcome. Even when others testify to instantaneous miracles, the broader narrative is that which led up to those miracles. I am not holding out on you, but I am working on a timetable that requires patient continuance in well doing till you receive all that you have cried out to Me for.

Know that the very hairs of your head are numbered, says the Father. Know that while you cannot add one cubit to your stature, that I can make you ten foot tall and bulletproof. The enemy may rage and come against you with many threats, but you can trust that regardless of his braggadocio, he fears who you are in Me. He knows that because I live on the inside of you, he has no hope of destroying or taking your life. He comes to steal, kill and destroy - he will leave with his tail between his legs because you put your trust in Me. This is My delight, and this is My heart toward you beloved, so rest and trust, for the end of the thing will come forth in many blessings with abundant reward.


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