Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Lord Desires To Upgrade You In This Season


Image result for god is calling you higher

The Lord desires to upgrade you in the season. He is calling you higher in all things!
Higher in your behavior! Higher in your language! Higher in your worship! Higher in your prayer life! Glory to God, He's calling you HIGHER INTO HIM and HIS STANDARDS... so your life can be UPGRADED.
The Lord your God seeks to UPGRADE you. He wants to take you higher in your connectivity to the Holy Spirit and higher in your earth realm connections. God wants to take you higher in your view of self and thus higher in your confidence to ACT, GO, SAY, DO. Glory to God!
As you ascend this mountain as a type of Moses you will ascend, personally --- as the heart of the Father becomes clearly discernible and understandable... until your mountain-top encounter, after which you leave ready for UPGRADE. 📖 EXODUS 19:3, 24:15 📖
Because only the Lord can prepare you. Just as only Jesus can save you, only God can equip you. For He does not call the qualified, but rather The Father calls whomever He chooses, and qualifies them in His own way. Glory to God!🔥🔥🔥
Aren't you glad for upgrades? Aren't you glad the Father won't require you to have a gazillion plaques on your wall or letters behind your name? Aren't you glad Yahweh your Heavenly Father loves you enough to prepare you, then UPGRADE YOU??
If you're ready for this (I AM!) give your God a shout of praise and tell Him you receive this on today!


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