Tuesday, July 18, 2017


JoLynne Whittaker Ministries
You were made for more. The more you LEARN what God says about you and what HE says you can have, you realize you are made for amazing things! As a child of God, you have access to the Lord's life-changing favor!
My assignment in this season is to help transform and prosper the saints of God under the canopy of this ministry --- the Lord made that abundantly clear! SO HOW'S IT GOING?? WE RECEIVE PRAISE REPORTS DAILY. People are being changed by the love of Jesus a...nd the power of God! Healed! Saved! Prospered! Getting well, getting restored, going deeper in their walk with Christ, some of y'all even getting married! Debt forgiveness. Promotions, businesses --- AND IT'S ALL GOD. To God alone be the glory! Hallelujah!🔥💃🏽
The Lord desires His people to prosper! It brings Him no glory when we are broken and struggling! And to the one person who'll inevitably think, "But when we suffer we draw closer to God"---honey, YES BUT, suffering is meant to be an experience, at the worst, a SEASON, not a lifestyle for your entire lifetime! Come on somebody, weeping may endure for a night but JOY comes in the morning! (UH oh, I feel like preaching!) Jesus wants to set you free and lead you into life more abundantly! God says He will supply ALL your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!
📖 Psalm 30:5, John 10:10 📖
So accept it: God wants to give you MORE!
You were made for MORE!
You are worthy of MORE!
Favor IS your birthright!
Favor IS our Christian heritage!
I speak MORE over you, in Jesus' mighty and matchless name! I declare MORE peace! MORE joy! MORE connection! MORE financial flow! MORE health! MORE healthy relationships! MORE opportunities! MORE discernment! MORE angelic assistance! MORE protection and MORE prosperity for your household! I declare a #SeasonOfMore in Jesus' name!
If you WANT IT, NEED IT, and believe you can HAVE IT, throw back your head and SHOUT YES!
And for the ones who are ready to go deeper into the Scriptures as regards FAVOR and stepping into it... come grab a copy of Stepping Into Favor. I'll sign it for you and send you a bookmark. Link below. Love y'all! -PJLW🙏🏽💕


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