Monday, January 29, 2018

Holy Ghost Connections


God is about to assign people to your life who will see you and value you. People who will reciprocate your efforts and appreciate all you bring to the table.
No more investing in the wrong people. No more sowing into the wrong relationships, connections that were never even ordained by God. This is a new season, says the Lord! And with this new season, come new Holy Ghost connections. Glory to God!🔥
In the Bible, the relationship between Ruth and Naomi was priceless and exemplary. The friendship between David and Jonathan remains an excellent example of a Godly soul-tie, as the scripture says God knit their souls together. Then of course Ruth and Boaz personified Godly marriage. YOU NEED TO GET READY——in this hour, God is doing it again! Oh, hallelujah to Jesus!
The Lord is getting ready to send the ones who’ll appreciate and duplicate your commitment and authenticity. Hold onto your hat, somebody—I hear the Holy Spirit saying somebody is about to receive the person they’ve been praying for!
IF YOU RECEIVE THIS, open your mouth, pop up your hands, and tell God “YES!” in Jesus’ name!


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