Thursday, June 15, 2017

It is Time


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The season of contemplation is ending.
That time of wondering is coming to a close....
Your years of wandering and fluctuating, starting and then stopping, must end and you know that --- because God is calling you to MORE.
There will be those who don't or won't support positive changes in you, know that going in. Then there'll be those voices in your head, the ones talking doubt and delay, delusion and denial -- you'll have to exorcise those demons, know that too.
Because it's time to become who God made you to be. Its time to trade your good ideas for His Great ones. It's time to stop telling yourself it's okay to float, because that floating removes any possibility of rooting in significance---can you see that now?
If you've come to the end of yourself, it's time to discern His voice. The Lord is calling you to awaken to your destiny, and yes---the time is now.
Release what your mother (or father or siblings) did. Release what your ex said. Release the anger over past injustices. Submit to surgery in the spirit so Jesus can extract the darkness and bitterness that would eventually spoil your beauty. It is time.
The Lord is calling you to grow into your potential. There's no way you can walk through this world with it locked up, inside of you. You're here to release it, child of God. It's time to begin BECOMING. How do you do that---?? So easy: start by submitting to the Lord. He's a master Creator who knows how to make a masterpiece out of you.
If you're ready, say: YES, JESUS.
Now obey promptings of the Holy Spirit.🔥🙏🏽


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