🔥Holy Spirit has laid this on my heart tonight. I hear in the spirit that many who will read this are shell-shocked, currently... because someone you loved or cared for deeply, wounded you ruthlessly. And the Holy Ghost just needs to clarify...
Somewhere along the line, something happened to those people. The ones who can break others without flinching; those who knowingly inflict pain and do nothing about it... The ones who wound others and then justify or minimize... it... Indeed, the ones who rip and tear their way through (and out of) relationships... almost as if they don't realize it's another human being they're tearing apart.
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SOMETHING HAPPENED TO THEM. There's a void, an emptiness, an absence of accountability. Where morality should be, there's an empty space. So no, it wasn't you... it was them.
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Something (or someone) in their life stole or broke that inner compass God put inside of them at birth; they don't get it... they really don't get it. Or worse---they do, but don't care.
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THEY NEED HELP. God isn't saying you're the one to help them; in many cases, only the Holy Spirit can help such souls. Because the truth is, only broken and wounded people, can break and wound others, without remorse. Only hurt people seek to hurt other people...
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So let's pray for them tonight...
Not because you're okay with their actions, and certainly not because you condone their behavior. No, pray for them because they need help and it's the right thing to do. Jesus told us to pray for our enemies and those who persecute us. It's so hard, but doing so makes us obedient, and it makes us genuine and real... .
There is freedom in forgiving; there is blessing in giving. Pray for them. Your prayers may help more than you'll ever know... Do it because they need help, and you need to be free. Selah.🙏🏽
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