Dream of the Enemy Slithering
On Friday morning, I sat down to write out a prophetic word that came out of a very powerful encounter I had with the Lord the night before in a dream. As I sat to write this word out, I had a vision that took me completely by surprise.
The vision opened up before my eyes and I saw snakes (metaphorical picture of the enemy) slithering in the darkness and they were heading towards the BACKDOOR of the WHITE HOUSE.
It reminded me of the word I released recently about snakes looking for the "back door" in the lives of Believers. In this vision, the snakes were slithering in the darkness "under the radar" attempting to go unseen, coming from "unexpected places," and they were coming with a specific assignment to do whatever it took to hinder what God is birthing in the United States of America and through President Donald Trump. Their assignment was to stop the birthing and stop President Trump in whatever way they could.
A Clarion Call to Intercessors
There was such an urgency in the spirit all around me. I heard the sound of an ALARM going off in the spirit, and the Lord decreeing, "CLARION CALL!!! CLARION CALL!!!" over and over. I felt that this was a strong warning to the intercessors to increase prayers at this vital and pivotal time of reformation, breakthrough and restoration in the United States of America.
As they heard the sound of the alarm and rose up and prayed, I saw the intercessors running out like warriors with swords, with such resolve in their eyes. They were convicted by their authority in Christ and the POWER OF HIS WORD.
I watched as the Lord showed these warriors all the strategic places in the spirit where these snakes were hiding. They were going into the dark places in intercession. The Lord was UNCOVERING the hidden places, strategies and assignments of the enemy. As these intercessors were interceding and using the Word of God, they were finding these snakes and cutting them with their swords (meaning cutting off the plans of the enemy).
Even though the Lord was releasing a warning, I felt such excitement in my spirit because I could see VICTORY exploding everywhere. As the intercessors prayed, the enemy's attempts were FALLING TO THE GROUND.
An Explosion of Victory! The Glory of God on the White House!
It was then I heard the Lord say "As My intercessors pray, the enemy is going to fall on his own sword."
In this explosion of such VICTORY, I watched as the GLORY OF GOD fall so heavily upon the White House. I watched as encounters with Jesus happened in the White House, the glory of God resting upon the White House and flowing out into the nation. Such a strong sense of the Lord refining, purifying, cleansing and increasing surrounded me. Such a significant birthing and a "taking of the ground" was taking place. In watching the glory of God falling upon the White House, my spirit was filled with excitement that the glory of God is about to be seen across the United States like it has never been seen before.
Amidst darkness in the earth, the GLORY of God was going to be seen in the White House and the nation, seeing people and other nations drawn to her light. The words surrounded me, "United States of America, the new day is upon you marked by My glory with a beacon of HOPE and BREAKTHROUGH!"
Why? Because of the great awakening and arising of His people in the nation. The Church is taking her place, standing in the midst of the darkness and saying, "NO MORE," in the name of Jesus, and seeing the glory and light of Jesus shine brighter than ever.
"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1
The Enemy's Defeat and Our Fight From Victory!
In this vision I heard a sound that I heard also during the inauguration of Donald Trump when he was being sworn into the office of President of the United States. It was the sound of DEFEAT. It was the sound of the enemy shrieking. I heard such loud shrieks of pain in the "losing of ground" and the pain of hearing the name of Jesus being glorified and lifted high. I heard the shrieks of pain of the enemy in the breakthrough that is taking place in the new day dawning upon the United States and the shrieks of his pain in the NEW LIFE bursting forth.
This word is about a call to pray, it's a call to increase intercession, and to not fear. The heart of God I felt in this word was one of VICTORY! As God's people pray, He will make a PUBLIC SPECTACLE of the enemy and all he's attempting to do to gain back ground again.
Remember, we pray and fight not FOR victory, but FROM victory!!!!
It's a new day in the USA!
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Email: lanavawser@gmail.com
Website: www.lanavawser.com
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