Monday, December 5, 2016

The Gifts Coming to You in December


Image result for god's blessings
Get ready to receive exciting new things starting this month. I heard the Lord say that there are a number of gifts coming to us starting in December.
Many of us received promotions during the month of October just after Yom Kippur, on October 12. (You can read the details of that prophetic word in my blog from October 2016: "Why This is Such a Significant Time.")
You are going to start seeing evidence of these promotions in your life starting this month. God is the giver of good gifts (Matthew 7:11) and this month you are going to start seeing some amazing surprises. This will help lift the spirits of those of you who have been going through difficult times.
The enemy has not wanted you to see the good things coming in 2017. Get ready to cross over into a new season where the spiritual atmosphere is going to begin to ripen for a new move of God.
Significant Dates in December
When I was getting the Daily Prophetic Words for December, I heard the Lord say that there would be some significant dates, particularly December 5, 15 and 17. These are not lucky days or anything like that. But, watch for God to do something significant to bless and advance you.
An Amazing Christmas
Last year I had a major encounter on Christmas morning in which I saw an angel measuring to build something new in the spirit. I also saw the release of worker angels that have been assigned to bring it about.
God showed me that this is part of what is happening right now. He is doing a new thing that will get us ready for the release of His power and love like never before.
You can expect prophetic dreams and supernatural encounters to be on the increase this month! I seriously feel like a kid waiting for Christmas looking forward to the good things that are going to come!!
I will talk more about this in my Spirit Connection webcast on Wednesday, December 7 at 6 p.m. PST. I hope to "see" you online there!
Doug Addison


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