Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Prophetic Word for You: I am positioning you


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God spoke to me that this is going to be a significant Christmas season! I had a vision from the Lord on Christmas morning last year that changed the course of my life. God told me that this is going to happen to people everywhere this year as well.
Get ready for God to speak to you during this Christmas season. You can expect prophetic dreams and supernatural encounters to be on the increase this month! I seriously feel like a kid waiting for Christmas looking forward to the good things that are going to come!

God is releasing new spiritual gifts this year during and after the holiday season. This is to get us ready for what is coming in 2017.
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” 1 Corinthians 14:1 NIV

Prophetic word for you

I hear the Lord saying to you: “It is going to be a special Christmas this year for you. I am repaying you for the years of loss, tears and pain. The desires of your heart will unfold in 2017. I am positioning you to help bring understanding to this season so you can see how your losses and setbacks on Earth are your gain in Heaven.
My love for you has been great. I have captured your tears and your cries have not gone unnoticed. You are about to be freed up to serve Me. A new season is coming of health, along with an increased healing anointing. You will receive financial blessings and your crossing over to this new season will happen fast. I am with you, so do not give up.”

How to respond

Do what you need to do to not give up in tough times. Pray and remind God of the promises you have over your life. Do practical things that bring you closer to God, such as praying, worshiping, taking communion, reading the Bible or simply walking and connecting with God.
Positioning yourself involves getting deeper healing, growing in intimacy, learning to love and coming into agreement with God’s will and ways for your life.
It may also mean you will change the people you are hanging around. It is time to move upward, so find people who are on the same path and who bring encouragement to you.
Get ready to do what it takes to align yourself to receive in this new season. If necessary, and when God confirms these things, then expect to see changes in your living situation, job changes, church affiliations, business partnerships or whatever God shows you for 2017.

Watch for the spiritual atmosphere to open over you and for your ability to hear the Lord start to increase starting this week.
Merry Christmas!
Doug Addison


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