Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Powerful Word for 2017


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I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying that 2017 is your year! It is your year of breakthrough, advancement, provision, and miracle manifestation. The struggle that was in 2016 will not carry over into 2017. I am releasing a supernatural grace upon you now to transition into the new season of blessing and abundance that awaits you.
I am releasing miracle money for you within the first 90 days of 2017!
I am raising up millionaires who will use these funds to advance My Kingdom and further the cause of Christ. I will raise up more millionaires in 2017 than I have in all the past years combined. It is truly time for a heavenly wealth transfer. Expect checks in the mail, deposits, credits, inheritances, legal settlements, refunds, gifts, jobs, better jobs, and donations. You will be fully funded for your divine assignment in 2017!
I am moving in a new way in 2017. I am saying new things. I am releasing new anointings, mantles, callings, and divine assignments. I am moving upon those who will move when I say move. I am speaking through those who will speak when I say speak. I am moving in power and in the glory of My splendor. For I have sent My Spirit before you to make every crooked way straight. Things may seem like they are falling apart but they are just falling into place. Do not be afraid. I am positioning you to receive the fullness of that which I have for you. I am restoring the power of the apostolic and the prophetic working together.
I am holding you in the palm of My hand.
What I'm Doing in You
While 2016 was a year where you experienced pruning and divine delays it was necessary so that you would blossom in 2017 like I want you to. I did what I had to do to protect you. Not everything that happened to you was Me. Some of it was the consequences to your own decisions. Some of it was the enemy. But I am using all of it for your good. I have tested your heart. I have shown you the motives and intentions of your heart. My child, I am more concerned with what I am doing in you than what I am doing around you. I long to do something very special within you. I am moving ever so gently. You are unlearning certain ways of thinking. You are forsaking silly doctrines created by men. I am delivering you from your past. I am removing the pain associated with the memories too. I am restoring your ability to love and trust again.
In this season I'm calling people to you. A team will begin to form. I am teaching you social graces. I am calling you into deeper relationships with one another. Those who come around you in this season will have the same vision as you and together you will take the nations for My glory.
I am syncing your heartbeat to Mine.
There will be so many miracles and healings in 2017. The blind will see. The deaf will hear. The dumb will speak and the dead will be raised. I am making you whole in 2017! Even the unbelieving will believe. Yes, the harvest of souls is ripe for the taking. Pick up your sickles and reap the Bride.
In His love,
Rene Picota


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